If the decision were made in the next year or two, it would be unsurprising to see Tesla Motorcycles rolling off the assembly line by 2025. Is Waiting for the Tesla Electric Motorcycle Worth It? Waiting for Tesla to tesla bike come out with a product which Elon himself has refused to consider and that would need a fresh production line of its own does not seem like a wise choice at this time. However, we do think it’s worth keeping an eye out for. In the meantime, it would probably be helpful for you to do a quick self-assessment to determine what it is you actually need from a Tesla motorcycle. Is it the reduced energy usage for a commute? Are you looking for a low-cost EV solution? A fun way to spend your weekends? Or are you a Tesla fan and avid motorcycle enthusiast who just wants your favorite mode of transportation to have Tesla’s touch to it? If greener energy usage, lower costs, and Tesla technology are the reasons you are seeking out a Tesla Model M motorcycle, we’d love for you to stop and consider a used Model 3 or a used, older generation of the Model S . While they don’t offer the solo freedom of the open road that a Tesla Motorcycle would, you can enjoy them at prices we might expect to see in the new electric motorcycle market, but with better range (and all-season use). Then, if Tesla does change its tune on electric motorcycles and you get an opportunity to buy a Model M—or Model Z, Tesla Moto, whatever they might decide to name it—you’ll already have a vehicle to trade. If you are set on finding an electric motorcycle in the next year or so, check out some of the brands we mentioned earlier (such as SONDORS, Energica, and the LiveWire lineup). Özel başlıkların açıldığı, kişiye özel olan masaların tesla kurulduğu bir alandasınız.
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For example, the 22.5 kWh battery in the Energica Expiria (an electric motorcycle we assume would qualify as a Tesla competitor) delivers about 130 miles of range at highway speeds. While the Expiria’s battery capacity is on the larger side for an electric motorcycle, we’d expect a similar size for any potential Tesla moto, somewhere between a 20 and 25 kWh pack. Could Tesla engineers figure out how to make an electric motorcycle with 300 miles of range on a 20-25 kWh battery pack? We’d like to think so; at that point, a Tesla Motorcycle would come close to matching the longest range even for ICE motorcycles. As far as the Model M’s potential charging speed is concerned, Tesla’s current charging technology standards should apply to any EV they produce within the next couple of years. We’d expect to see a Tesla Model M charging time at around 15-20 minutes to full at the Supercharger and tesla bike a charging time of 44 miles of range per hour on a Level 2 home charger. A trickle charge times of about 10-20 miles of range per hour would be likely, giving you somewhere between half and full range on an overnight charge. What about 0-60 time and top speed? We can’t imagine Tesla letting the Harley-Davidson LiveWire ONE boast a faster acceleration, so the Model M would probably have a 0 – 60 mph time of less than 3 seconds. Top speed will likely be less impressive, but only because Tesla does tend to limit that factor on their vehicles. Fi reyting sonuçları.
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